Tristan und Isolde

Richard Wagner

Gesamtaufnahmen und Auszüge / Complete Performances and Selections / Gravações Completas e Seleções


Years 1900 - 1930

Years 1931 - 1940

Years 1941 - 1950

Years 1951 - 1960

Years 1961 - 1970

Years 1971 - 1980

Years 1981 - 1990

Years 1991 - 2000

Years 2001 - 2006



Recording Date 14.12.1972

Isolde Zobel, Ingeborg Tristan Nuotio, Pekka Brangäne Puttar-Gold, Nada King Marke Popovic, Dusan Kurwenal Popovic, Dusan Melot - Sailor - Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Zdravkovic, Zinovu Orchestra ? Location Zagreb Remarks Concert version


Recording Date 1973

Isolde de Groot, Gerry Tristan Unruh, Stanley Brangäne Pressler, Barbara King Marke - Kurwenal Telasko, Ralph Melot - Sailor - Sheperd Vezzani, Pierro Steersman - Conductor Mersson, Boris Orchestra Orchestre National de l'Opera de Monte Carlo Location Monte Carlo Remarks Concert version (abridged)


Recording Date 17.01.1973

Isolde de Groot, Gerry Tristan Beirer, Hans Brangäne Hoffman, Grace King Marke Moll, Kurt Kurwenal McIntyre, Donald Melot Bunger, Reid Sailor Dermota, Anton Sheperd Equiluz, Kurt Steersman Pröglhöf, Harald Conductor Hollreiser, Heinrich Orchestra Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper Location Wien Remarks Act 3


Recording Date 05.05.1973

Isolde Farrell, Eileen Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Fassbaender, Brigitte King Marke Berberian, Ara Kurwenal - Melot - Sailor - Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Steinberg, William Orchestra Pittsburgh Orchestra Location Pittsburgh Remarks Act 2


Recording Date 1974

Isolde Lindholm, Berit Tristan Nuotio, Pekka Brangäne Minton, Yvonne King Marke Cold, Ulrik Kurwenal Fedhoff, Gerd Melot Bröcheler, John Sailor Blinkhof, Jan Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Gielen, Michael Orchestra Radio Philharmonisch Orkest Location Amsterdam Remarks


Recording Date 1976

Isolde Knie, Roberta Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Forrester, Maureen King Marke Wilderman, William Kurwenal Braun, Victor Melot Calvert, Robert Sailor- Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Decker, Franz-Paul Orchestra Orchestre symphonique de Montréal Location Opéra du Québec Remarks


Recording Date 11.07.1977

Isolde Bjoner, Ingrid Tristan King, James Brangäne Meyerson, Janice King Marke - Kurwenal - Melot - Sailor - Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Bernstein, Leonard Orchestra Tanglewood Orchestra Location Tanglewood Festival Remarks


Recording Date 1979

Isolde Knie, Roberta Tristan Wenkoff, Spas Brangäne Schwarz, Hanna King Marke Cold, Ulrik Kurwenal Feldhoff, Gerd Melot Blinkhof, Jan Sailor - Sheperd Spijker, André Steersman - Conductor Vonk, Hans Orchestra Radio Philharmonisch Orkest Location Scheweningen Remarks


Complete Performances

Recording Date 1971-72

Isolde Dernesch, Helga Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Ludwig, Christa King Marke Ridderbusch, Karl Kurwenal Berry, Walter Melot Weikl, Bernd Sailor Schreier, Peter Sheperd Schreier, Peter Steersman Vantin, Martin Conductor von Karajan, Herbert Orchestra Berliner Philharmoniker Location Berlin


Recording Date 04.04.1971

Isolde af Malmborg, Gunilla Tristan Esser, Hermin Brangäne Hoffman, Grace King Marke Wollitz, Eduard Kurwenal Nöcker, Hans Günther Melot Zimmermann, Heinz Günther Sailor Steinbach, Heribert Sheperd Steinbach, Heribert Steersman Stefanoni, Marco Conductor Masur, Kurt Orchestra Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice Location Venedig


Recording Date 26.06.1971

Isolde Dvorakova, Ludmilla Tristan Thomas, Jess Brangäne Veasey, Josephine King Marke Ward, David Kurwenal McIntyre, Donald Melot - Sailor - Sheperd- Steersman - Conductor Solti, Georg Orchestra Orchestra of the Royal Opera Location Covent Garden, London


Recording Date 01.09.1971

Isolde Nilsson, Birgit Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Hoffman, Grace King Marke Crass, Franz Kurwenal Mittelmann, Norman Melot Yost, Ricardo Sailor Sassola, Renato Sheperd - Steersman Gagliardo, Tulio Conductor Stein, Horst Orchestra Orchestra of the Teatro Colon Location Buenos Aires, Teatro Colon


Recording Date 18.12.1971

Isolde Nilsson, Birgit Tristan Thomas, Jess Brangäne Dalis, Irene King Marke Tozzi, Giorgio Kurwenal Dooley, William Melot MacWherter, Rod Sailor Goeke, Leo Sheperd Castel, Nico Steersman Sgarro, Louis Conductor Leinsdorf, Erich Orchestra Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Location Met, New York


Recording Date 02.01.1972

Isolde Synek, Liane Tristan Hopf, Hans Brangäne Coster, Janet King Marke Okamura, Takao Kurwenal Kelemen, Zoltan Melot - Sailor - Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Kertesz, Istvan Orchestra - Location Oper Köln


Recording Date 31.01.1972

Isolde Shuard, Amy Tristan Cox, Jean Brangäne Meyer, Kerstin King Marke Moll, Kurt Kurwenal Vermeersch, Kurt Melot Baro, Jaume Sailor - Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Sébastien, Gerorges Orchestra - Location Genf


Recording Date 01.02.1972

Isolde Nilsson, Birgit Tristan Brilioth, Helge Brangäne Wolff, Beverly King Marke Meven, Peter Kurwenal Nimsgern, Siegmund Melot Strudthoff, Claudio Sailor - Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Mehta, Zubin Orchestra Orchestra di Roma della RAI Location Rom


Recording Date 22.04.1973

Isolde Ligendza, Catarina Tristan Windgassen, Wolfgang Brangäne Hoffmann, Grace King Marke Frick, Gottlob Kurwenal Neidlinger, Gustav Melot Grefe, Gustaf Sailor Krämer, Toni Sheperd Pfeifle, Alfred Steersman Opp, Kurt-Egon Conductor Kleiber, Carlos Orchestra Staatsorchester Stuttgart Location Staatstheater Stuttgart


Recording Date 11.06.1973

Isolde Hillebrecht, Hildegard Tristan Esser, Hermin Brangäne Hesse, Ruth King Marke Stamm, Harald Kurwenal Kelemen, Zoltan Melot van Ree, Jean Sailor Caron, Willy Sheperd Vigfusson, Erlingur Steersman Sindemann, Werner Conductor Leitner, Ferdinand Orchestra Gürzenich-Orchester der Stadt Köln Location Städtische Bühnen Köln


Recording Date 07.07.1973

Isolde Nilsson, Birgit Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Hesse, Ruth King Marke Rungren, Bengt Kurwenal Berry, Walter Melot Unruh, Stanley Sailor Laubenthal, Horst Sheperd Laubenthal, Horst Steersman - Conductor Böhm, Karl Orchestra Orchestre National de l'ORTF Location Orange


Recording Date 07.10.1973

Isolde Ligendza, Catarina Tristan Hopf, Hans Brangäne Baldani, Ruza King Marke Sotin, Hans Kurwenal Neidlinger, Gustav Melot Helm, Hans Sailor Dermota, Anton Sheperd Nitsche, Horst Steersman Tichy, Georg Conductor Kleiber, Carlos Orchestra Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper Location Wien


Recording Date 26.01.1974

Isolde Barlow, Klara Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Dunn, Mignon King Marke Macurdy, John Kurwenal Dooley, Wiliam Melot Lewis, Wiliam Sailor Ahlstedt, Douglas Sheperd Castel, Nico Steersman Sgarro, Louis Conductor Leinsdorf, Erich Orchestra Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Location MET, New York


Recording Date 30.01.1974

Isolde Nilsson, Birgit Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Vilma, Michèle King Marke Plishka, Paul Kurwenal Dooley, Wiliam Melot Lewis, Wiliam Sailor Gibbs, Raymond Sheperd Castel, Nico Steersman Sgarro, Louis Conductor Leinsdorf, Erich Orchestra Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Location MET, New York


Recording Date 07.04.1974

Isolde Hillebrecht, Hildegard Tristan Hopf, Hans Brangäne Fonseca, Regine King Marke Stamm, Harald Kurwenal Nöcker, Hans Günther Melot Vazquez, Alejandro Sailor Winkler, Hermann Sheperd Winkler, Hermann Steersman Sindemann, Wener Conductor Wallat, Hans Orchestra - Location Köln, Städtische Bühnen


Recording Date 01.07.1974

Isolde Schröder-Feinen, Ursula Tristan Brenneis, Gerd Brangäne Voorwelt, Clementine King Marke Saciuk, Andrzej Kurwenal Raffell, Anthony Melot Dunbar, Clark Sailor Julian, Julio Sheperd - Steersman - Conductor Romansky, Ljubomir Orchestra Philharmonisches Orchester der Stadt Location Gelsenkirchen


Recording Date 25.07.1974

Isolde Ligendza, Catarina Tristan Brillioth, Helge Brangäne Minton, Yvonne King Marke Moll, Kurt Kurwenal McIntyre, Donald Melot Steinbach, Heribert Sailor Zednik, Heinz Sheperd Zednik, Heinz Steersman Feldhoff, Heinz Conductor Kleiber, Carlos Orchestra Bayreuther Festspielorchester Location Bayreuth


Recording Date 04.08.1975

Isolde Ligendza, Catarina Tristan Brilioth, Helge Brangäne Minton, Yvonne King Marke Moll, Kurt Kurwenal McIntyre, Donald Melot Steinbach, Heribert Sailor Zednik, Heinz Sheperd Zednik, Heinz Steersman Hillebrand, Nikolaus Conductor Kleiber, Carlos Orchestra Bayreuther Festpielorchester Location Bayreuth


Recording Date 06.12.1975

Isolde Knie, Roberta Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Veasey, Josephine King Marke Zaccaria, Nicola Kurwenal Vermeersch, Jef Melot de Palma, Piero Sailor de Palma, Piero Sheperd Atherton, James Steersman Schmidt, Merle Conductor Decker, Franz-Paul Orchestra Dallas Civic Opera Orchestra Location Dallas


Recording Date 29.07.1976

Isolde Ligendza, Catarina Tristan Wenkoff, Spas Brangäne Minton, Yvonne King Marke Ridderbusch, Karl Kurwenal McIntyre, Donald Melot Steinbach, Heribert Sailor Zednik, Heinz Sheperd Zednik, Heinz Steersman Feldhoff, Heinz Conductor Kleiber, Karlos Orchestra Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele Location Bayreuth


Recording Date 05.12.1976

Isolde Nilsson, Birgit Tristan Vickers, Jon Brangäne Hesse, Ruth King Marke Sotin, Hans Kurwenal Nöcker, Hans Günther Melot Bunger, Reid Sailor Dermota, Anton Sheperd Stolze, Gerhard Steersman Pröglhöf, Harald Conductor Stein, Horst Orchestra Orchester der Wiener Staatsoper Location Wien


Recording Date 1977

Isolde Ligendza, Ingrid Tristan Wenkoff, Spas Brangäne Minton, Yvonne King Marke Ridderbusch, Karl Kurwenal McIntyre, Donald Melot Schunk, Robert Sailor Jerusalem, Siegfried Sheperd Kruse, Heinz Steersman - Conductor Stein, Horst Orchestra Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele Location Bayreuth


Recording Date 14.09.1977

Isolde Vinzing, Ute Tristan Thomas, Jess Brangäne Zimmermann, Margarita King Marke de Narké Kurwenal Küne, Rolf Melot Tomaselli, Bruno Sailor Sarramida, Eduardo Sheperd Betti, Enzo Steersman Granados, Enrique Conductor Hager, Leopold Orchestra Teatro Colon Orchestra Location Buenos Aires


Recording Date 10.12.1977

Isolde af Malmborg, Gunilla Tristan Brilioth, Helge Brangäne Meyer, Kerstin King Marke Wahlund, Sten Kurwenal Saeden, Erik Melot Johansson, Hans Sailor Bjoerling, Rolf Sheperd Kullenbo, Lars Steersman Jupither, Rolf Conductor Klobucar, Berislav Orchestra ? Location Stockholm


Recording Date 12.04.1978

Isolde Ligendza, Catarina Tristan Wenkoff, Spas Brangäne Baldani, Ruza King Marke Moll, Kurt Kurwenal Nimsgern, Siegmund Melot Corradi, Giampaolo Sailor Gullino, Walter Sheperd de Palma, Piero Steersman Foiani, Giovanni Conductor Kleiber, Carlos Orchestra Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala Location Milano


Recording Date 1980-81

Isolde Gray, Linda Esther Tristan Mitchinson, John Brangäne Wilkens, Anne King Marke Howell, Gwynne Kurwenal Joll, Philip Melot Folwell, Nicholas Sailor Harris, John Sheperd Davies, Arthur Steersman Moses, Geoffrey Conductor Goodall, Reginald Orchestra Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera Location Brangwyn Hall, Swansea